Finance, Food, & Feelings



Grace is an intuitive eating dietitian who sat down with us to discuss the importance of nutrition not only for your physical health but your mental health as well. Dieting can often be linked to shame, discouragement, and feelings of failure... But what if we could get rid of the all-or-nothing approach of dieting and instead "Find the Gray" areas of our nutrition? A time when you are stressing about finances is not the time to begin neglecting your diet, every little bit helps. Listen to this week's episode to help shift your mindset and renew your thoughts on nutrition.


Grace Lopez is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist based out of Tampa, FL. Her virtual private practice, Able Health & Wholeness provides nutrition counseling and coaching with a focus on whole-person health. Through education and support she empowers women to get “unstuck” and heal their relationship with food and body through self-discovery, guided support, and an intuitive eating approach. 

Learn more from Grace on her website:

Or follow her on Instagram:


The Secret Stressor


Life’s Curve Balls